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What Are Orphan Pages And How To Identify Them In Your Website?

Orphan pages

With ever-increasing web-based competition, promoting your website is a tough business.

There are so many SEO related technicalities to consider: crawlers, dead-end pages and of course, orphan pages which are probably the bane of every website’s existence.

What are orphan pages in a website?

Sparing the technical jargon, orphan pages are those pages in a website that have no inbound or incoming link.

The URL of such a page is essentially an orphan link. What does this imply for your website’s health?

If a page has no internal link referring to it, a web crawler will never find it. A web crawler like Google bot (used by Google search engine) is responsible for bringing traffic to a web page through indexing of pages by their importance and relevance with respect to certain keywords.

So, if a crawler can’t find a page, it is likely that it will never get visitors and ruin your marketing strategy. Too many orphan pages in your site will make it an orphanage website. This brings us to the next issue at hand: identifying an orphan link.

Recognising orphan pages in the website

There are quite a few options, but they all involve three major steps: obtaining a list of all URLs in the domain, then a list of URLs obtained after a crawl and finally: compare and contrast.

Extracting list of URLs of a website:
Usually, all web domains have a sitemap which contains all URLs of a website, dynamically updated every time pages are added or updated.

A sitemap extractor gives a list of all available URLs. Or, a backlink tool may be used to check the backlink profile of a site, which serves the same purpose as a sitemap extractor.
• Crawl the website:
Next step is to perform a web crawl of the site. Free online tools like Screaming Frog or Semrush are easily accessible, which generate a list of URLs with inbound links or non-orphan pages.

Compare the results:

The two sets of lists of URLs acquired from the above steps can be imported into a simple spreadsheet. All URLs from step 1 that do not exist in the list from step 2 are orphan links.
So, now that you have the list of orphan pages in the website, you can either remove them or add internal links to these pages.

That’s a sure-fire way to make your website optimised for organic traffic and prevent index bloating issues.

  • Published on
  • July 22, 2020
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What is Google Remarketing? How Does It Work?

Google Remarketing

Remarketing is an online business strategy of serving ads to users who have already visited your website. If you are seeing the same ads again and again, no matter which website you are on, that’s due to remarketing. Google remarketing is simply remarketing done with Google AdWords.

The basic idea behind remarketing is to reach the customers which have already visited your website, which means they are interested in availing your services and with a bit of push they are likely to come back and convert that visit into a transaction. The user will be encouraged to buy from the website by showing them different ads on different websites they visit. The most popular remarketing tool at present is Google AdWords.

The complete remarketing strategy can be narrowed down into three basic stages:

  • First, the user visits your website, he either buys something or he just browses and leaves.
  • Secondly, the user is tagged with a cookie and the details are added to the remarketing list.
  • You launch a marketing campaign to show ads to those users.

Now the remarketing campaign can be made to target different users depending upon their behavior on the website. You can divide customers into three different pools on this basis and launch your campaign to target any category as per your strategy.

  • The users who just visited your website and left.
  • The users who stayed at the website, browsed through different pages but due to some reason didn’t make a transaction.
  • Existing customers who have bought from you in the past.

How Remarketing Really Works?
If you are using Google AdWords then you just need to add a remarketing tag with it and you are good to go. The remarketing tag is nothing but a line of HTML code that is inserting with the body of all the pages. This will help you to show standard ads to the users who have visited your website by using the cookies.

You can also make a remarketing list and personalise which users you want to target. You can target users who visited any specific page or section of the website.

PPC marketing is one of the best paid-marketing tools but to use it to its fullest you need expert help. SEO Services India is a retargeting advertising company in Delhi which will help you to get better results through Ad Words remarketing.

Being an established name in the market, SEO Services India will provide the best conversion through remarketing campaign Ad Words.

5 Doubts About Seo You Should Clarify

5 Doubts About Seo You Should Clarify

SEO is nothing new to the digital marketing platform and has been utilized by all the top companies for website promotion on the Search Engine Result Page and get better traffic. There are several SEO doubts which need to be addressed and clarified.

Doubt 1: How to use Keywords in content?

Google adores good content and if you want to rank better on the Search results, good content is a must. Now there is another question of using keywords in your content. If you are trying to use keywords just for Google and not human then you can see the negative impact. You should emphasize on creating content for the customer and use keywords wisely in your meta description.

Doubt 2: More links or More Content?

Google keeps updating its algorithm to rank website and with new Google’s algorithm updates (Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird), Google has made it clear then you can’t improve your rank just by adding a lot of links. The quality of the links back to your website will also play a vital role, hence, along with adding quality links, you must invest more time in improving the content on your website.

Doubt 3: Is SEO all about fooling search engine with a collection of neat tricks?

No, No and definitely NO. If you are just trying to fool the search engine with a bag of tricks then, in turn, you are fooling your users as well. And even if you manage to get a surge of traffic, in the long run, you will suffer because you didn’t have any means to the end. SEO depends upon a lot of different factors and if somehow you manage to use some to rise in ranks, ultimately you will suffer to keep up.

Doubt 4: How XML Sitemap helps your website?

If you want to create a crawl able website then XML sitemap is a must-have for you. So the question is, Does XML sitemap helps to boost your rank on search results. To which the answer is- Directly- No, Indirectly- It may. XML Sitemaps aids Google to find and index the web pages you want to be indexed first. With indexed URLs, your website will be more visible which can help you rise through the ranks.

Doubt 5: How long it takes to rank high on Search Engine Result Page?

SEO is a long-term process and if you think that by availing SEO services from the best SEO company, you will rank in the top 10 overnight. That’s not gonna happen. It will take time and cleverly devised strategy to rise through the ranks.

You will see the results with the best search engine optimization company but you have to be patient. Search Engine Optimization services will take time to get you to high rankings, it never going to be happening in a day, week or even a month.

These doubts and many more like these will always be an obstacle in your path because of which you won’t be able to utilize the full potential of SEO. So, the best solution for you is to leave this to digital marketing experts, SEO Services India has done a remarkable job in exploring the extents to which SEO can help you and can do wonders for you in digital marketing. With a dedicated team of experts, SEO Services India always delivers the best result for your brand.

  • Published on
  • July 16, 2020
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6 Advance SEO Techniques That’ll Increase Your Website Traffic

6 Advance SEO Techniques That’ll Increase Your Website Traffic

The maximum amount of all the web traffic begins with the search engine and that’s why it is important to invest in the SEO of any website.

Proper search engine optimization enhances or improves the search ranking of the website which gives more and more traffic to the website from which you can convert and generate more and more revenue from it.

  • User Data Research

There are numerous individuals to consider SEO something fundamentally specialized, at last, it is generally about making sense of what your clients need and need, and after that conveying it.

The better you can address your gathering of people’s issues with your substance, the higher the odds they will click your features, read your articles, hop on your email list as well as purchase your item.

For finding more and more audience, all you need is a keyword that has a higher search input and makes sure your website should rank higher among that keyword.

Optimization and creation of Landing Page:

When somebody clicks on one of your connections in the list items, where do they arrive? Odds are on your landing page, a blog entry, or a comparable piece of your site.

Be that as it may, particularly when your objective is lead age and additionally deals, it’s regularly better to utilize a point of arrival. By creating a landing page on various important and popular pages you can gather numerous links and attention.

  1. Repurpose Content: 

We as a whole realize that quality written substance makes all the difference and a large number of us continue making new substances all the time for that very reason.

Be that as it may, regardless of whether it works, it can get quite comprehensive. A cleverer or smarter methodology is to utilize a similar substance and repackage it in various structures.

You can utilize the repurposed substance to get consideration on and joins from profoundly definitive sites.

  1. Update the older content: 

Since we are now looking at utilizing existing substance as opposed to making an extra one, refreshing your current posts and pages is additionally one of the further developed SEO strategies.

Google welcomes updated content. It’s one of their positioning criteria and the motivation behind why they began demonstrating distributing dates in their indexed lists.

  1. Optimize Permalinks: 

Permalink is a game plan that comprises an augmentation and a root.

The unpracticed ones discover a site and its pages and post through permalinks. Solid permalink structures are basic to your site’s prosperity.

  1. SEO Optimized Theme:

SEO Optimized themes subjects enable Google to comprehend the viability of the webpage and it likewise makes it simpler for Google to follow the substance.

To utilize enhancement for directing people to your webpage, it is vital to offer a satisfying background for guests and offer a site that heaps rapidly.

To be flexible enough to see any changes in the market, SEO Service India provide all aspect of marketing, follow the latest trends, and well implemented SEO. SEO service India provides the best facilities and to support to the clients.

  • Published on
  • July 16, 2020
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Why White Label SEO Services so famous for businesses ?

If you are among the digital marketer, then, you must be familiar with the growing popularity of the white label SEO services. This is solely due to the available opportunities for digital marketing in the current scenario. Any business that is considering a hike in the online traffic and looking for ways to generate leads, pick white label SEO services for best growth opportunities. The creators of online businesses have to deal with certain challenges. Such situations generate the need for various services that are aimed at extending the customer’s outreach.

In recent times, white label SEOs services have boomed in the market due to the limited resources in-house including everything related to the online business. They became the saviors by outsourcing the needs of every SEOs client and saving time and money at the same time.

Understand White Label SEO Services:

They are in the practice of outreaching the needs of the SEO clients to the third party. White Label SEO works between the requirements of the clients and the delivering SEO company. They redirect the needs of their clients to an expert SEO company.  Using SEO Reseller is an amazing way to contribute your clients with high-quality SEO services in India. It involves the wide range from search engine positioning to keep for keyword phrases. Keeping in mind the tough competition nowadays, certain dedicated firms also offer keyword analysis, PPC, content creation, Link management, and even page analysis.

The concern of accelerating the visibility over the web has given a golden opportunity for the White Label SEO business to thrive in the market at a rapid rate. Using professional optimum SEO services has become a fundamental element to flourish your business online. Other than that, White Label SEO service has many other benefits that provide to be an excellent asset for the company. Some of them are listed below.

  • Agencies could target their expertise area: There are plenty of fields in this business including web designing, e-commerce support, customer acquisition, and various backend procedures. Due to such broad SEO services, it may overburden a single agency and still not able to beat the needs of high quality. Thus, it is better to opt for SEO white label instead.
  • Cost-effective: It is quite expensive to maintain the in-house SEO team. Therefore, it is fine to outsource the needs of your clients that would also reduce the total budget, thus, ending with higher profits in no time.
  • Develop your brand: Imagine using high-quality SEO services under your name. And be prepared to be on the first page of Google. This is an excellent way to water your brand at such a platform, attracting more and more clients down the road.

Making quality with less time and thriving the business with investing less money. This is the reason why White Label SEO is getting so popular.

If you are ready to boost your agency with an expert white label SEO, you are just a click away Consult SEO services in Delhi and make your business happen now!

  • Published on
  • April 22, 2020
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Switch Your Website From HTTP To HTTPS To Avail Immense SEO Benefits

Switch Your Website From HTTP To HTTPS

Security is a ranking signal that Google uses to rank a website. Google has started a mission to make HTTPS a standard security protocol to be followed by all sites. But what’s the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? How does it truly make a difference in your SEO?

Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS

HTTP is an acronym for HyperText transfer protocol. It is widely used to transmit and receive information through the internet.

HTTPS, on the other hand, is an acronym for Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol. It ensures the safety of the information on a website. It prevents hackers from gaining access to confidential information via the internet.

Is HTTPS Necessary for Everyone?

Previously, HTTPS was only necessary for websites that accept online payments or other confidential information about their customers. However, after Google started considering security as a ranking factor, it has become mandatory for every website to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS, irrespective of whether you accept payments or not.

SEO Benefits of HTTPS

1. Safer Sites
With the rise in the number of cyberattacks, protecting users’ information has become more than important. Implementing HTTPS implies that your customers’ data is sheltered. This increases the trust factor of your website.

2. Google Rankings
Google loves sites that implement HTTPS. As mentioned above, security is a ranking factor. As soon as you implement HTTPS, you’ll notice a slight improvement in your Google rankings.

3. Increased Security
HTTPS adds respectability to your site. It ensures people and Google that the data you have is safe and that it can’t be hacked easily.

4. More Referrer Data
Whenever traffic passes from a secure HTTPS website to a non-secure HTTP website, the referral data may get stripped off. When you have an HTTPS website, you will attain more secure and detailed information about your visitors.

How to Switch from HTTP and HTTPS?

One of the best ways to migrate from HTTP and HTTPS is by buying an SSL certificate. As soon as you install the SSL certificate on your website, your site will change from HTTP to HTTPS.

SEO Services India is the leading SEO service agency in India. From improving your SEO to maintaining your website’s position in the SERPs, we can certainly help you with your online journey.

How Nofollow Links Will Now Affect Rankings?

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When you link to a website’s content, you vote for them as a quality post. Google then counts the number of links to determine the ranking of the site. However, if you wish not to vote the content, you can add a nofollow attribute in HTML.

A nofollow link is an HTML attribute that tells Google to ignore it while indexing the page. Nofollow was introduced to prevent blog comment spam.
However, after around 15 years, Google made tweaks in the nofollow attribute.

Google Now Treats Nofollow As A Hint

On September 10, 2019, Google announced:

“When nofollow was introduced, Google would not count any link marked this way as a signal to use within our search algorithms. This has now changed.
All the link attributes — sponsored, UGC, and nofollow — are treated as hints about which links to consider or exclude within Search.
We’ll use these hints — along with other signals — as a way to better understand how to appropriately analyze and use links within our systems.”

The update has created confusion in the SEO community about how to use this to boost rankings. Even a lot of SEO services agency India aren’t quite sure about the update. Fortunately, we are. And that’s what makes us the best SEO services in India.

Benefits of Nofollow Link

A lot of websites automatically place nofollow in all links on their site. This means they were taking unwanted advantage of multiple links irrespective of their credibility and authority. This created an unfair situation for publishers and marketers opting for legitimate SEO practices for boosting their rankings.

But now, after the update, Google will rank websites based on content quality. This allows Google to rank pages more accurately, while still providing relevant content to the searchers.

What impact will the Nofollow link will have now?

Websites who want to rank first on the search engines are already buying nofollow links. Since Google now considers nofollow as a hint, it can give a boost to the site linked to and even commercialize nofollow links.

However, the update will also encourage fairness and transparency in linking practices.

Final Thoughts

It is crucial to use links in your content. A good combination of nofollow and dofollow links will help you achieve maximum visibility on the internet and get the desired traffic too.

If you’re not sure how to leverage nofollow links, you can contact SEO Services India. Being the top SEO company in Delhi, we have a dedicated team to take care of your SEO.

10 Marketing Tips To Increase Your Sales This New Year

Social Media Marketing Services delhi, social media marketing in india, Social Media Marketing Services, social media marketing

As the countdown to the biggest festival named New Year’s Eve begins, it’s time for businessmen to pull up their socks and some customers to their products. But, how do you market your brand without being too obvious? How do you attract more customers to buy your products during this festive season? Find out the solutions in the following steps.

1. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing services are in vogue due to the technological improvements in the online marketing sector. More people spend time on social media than over the search engines. This is where you must be focused on putting out the best of what’s in your pocket. The techniques of social media marketing in India are followed globally; they run on emotions. Target your audience by posting descriptive content with multiple relevant adjectives.

2. Videos

Studies reveal that videos tend to attract a better conversion rate due to their visually stimulating factors. Create and edit a video displaying your important products and don’t forget to embed captions. Not everyone listens to the audio.

3. Blogs

With the increasing pressure to create the best environment with limited resources after Christmas, people will look for DIYs over search engines. SEO Services India provides the best Social Media Marketing Services Delhi has ever seen. Contact them to design a timeproof marketing strategy for your business.

4. Content

Content is your gateway to the world of permanent customers. Make a strategy for posting alluring content on Social Media and your website to create a strong base of your customers that come back again and again to gain information.

5. Email Marketing

When you’ve posted a couple of blogs and posts on social media, it’s time to let your customers know about your products through email. Design a captivating theme for your email and connect with your audience better by targeting their needs.

6. Facebook Marketing

SEO Services has a specialized team for Facebook Marketing that increases the click rate of your advertising campaign. With their marketing skills, the products in your company will reach the level of the spotlight they deserve.

7. Search Engine Optimization

Just as we said, nothing is more crucial than ensuring the SEO of your website. SEO Services India provides an all-round package that takes care of every aspect of digital marketing that your products need. Their unbelievably economical rates will make you come back for more.

8. Competition

Running Contests on Social media can take your brand awareness to another level. Brainstorm ideas with the team in your office and create viral content for your target audience.

9. Focus on Resolutions

Understanding the type of resolutions that people make for New Year should be your prime motive. Create a link between your products and the famous resolutions people make. Advertise accordingly.

10. Post-Festive Trends

Once the festive fever is gone, SEO Services India helps to create a robust strategy that pulls your target audience to your products. Their revolutionary working method creates a new definition of their meaning.

The Change of Address Tool Makes Its Place Again in Google Search Console

search console, latest update search console, google search console

Yet again, Google launched its new rocket of update that brings the Change of Address tool, previously seen in the older version of Search Console, back in the game. This feature may change the working patterns of any SEO company in India by a significant margin.

When the complete package of insights and growth rate of your website is offered to you for free. It is only sensible to make the best of it. The next time you log in to Google Search Console with the intention of improving your website’s SEO, you’d know better than just accepting what’s visible.

What is Google Search Console?

The free solution for understanding your website’s performance on the search engine, google search console. It primarily helps you view your website’s visibility from the search engine’s (Google) perspective.

Transitioning from the name of Google Webmaster Tools, it has risen to fame due to its all-encompassing potential, among entrepreneurs, content marketers, SEO services India, site administrators, and web developers.

How does the addition of features in the Search Console affect me?

A cherry you cannot eat is as good as no cherry; similarly, the understanding of every new update is essential for increasing the traffic to your website.

Recently, Google tweeted enthusiastically about the addition of a new tool named Change of Address. This fresh interface will ensure a smooth transition from your old domain to the new one.

So basically, Google has risen a level up in its game by aiding your process of domain or subdomain change. With this tool, you can manually alert Google about the change in your domain name. The search result data stored in your old site will be transferred, in no time, to the new one.

By now you might’ve opened the Search Console in a new tab and tried to locate this interface. The tool lies hidden away from the homepage, under the Settings of Google Search Console.

Now that you’ve located it, let’s understand better how this feature will help you in the long run.

Many entrepreneurs and marketers have had serious problems in maintaining the organic traffic on their new website just as they had with the previous one.

The change might be as minimum as changing from to but the positioning of the website on Google drops down significantly for the search results.

Thanks to the change of address tool, your ranking will remain the same even after a change in domain or subdomain name.

Every best SEO company in India is working around the clock to stay updated with the changes in the Search Console, as even one minor change can factor the significant drop in your website’s organic traffic.

If your goal is to make your business grow, contact us right now.