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Techniques To Improve Seo Rankings

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Seo Rankings is a must for every business these days, so seo services india brings you all with latest seo strategies to boost your business & its rankings on SERP’S.

Here are 7 SEO strategies suggested by seo services India that every business needs to adopt:

Useful, High-Quality, Relevant Content

‘Dwell time’ is the amount of time for which guests stay on your website before they log off. This estimate represents the value as well as visitors’ interest in your site. With engaging and authentic content and visual presentation, visitors tend to stay longer.

Page Load Speed

Most search engines also consider the loading speed in their SEO ranking algorithm.

One can verify how the loading speed improved after the optimization by studying the Google Speed Insights report. Know more about page speed with seo services India.

 Image Optimisation

seo services in delhi help to make sure the visual communication of your site works well on the SEO front. It is an instinct that users are more likely to respond to images before reading the content.

Therefore, an informational and appealing image can lead to positive purchasing attitudes. know more about image seo in our latest blog.

 Header Tags

Nobody desires to read a wall full of text without segmentation and the difference between standard content and the big idea.

The SEO services India helps to differentiate among headings. This best seo services in india bring visual effects that help visitors follow your content more easily.

 Outbound Links

Linking out to strong authority sites can support customers to find helpful and credible sources of information.

Also, this can significantly add to your site’s relevance. The more fit is your content, the more prominent the ability to displayed as the first article on the result list.


Even a visitor with adequate language ability will not be willing to digest a wall of code and characters.

Many SEO services in India believe that readability is another factor that Google uses to rank websites.
seo services india make your website easy to read and understandable.

 Social Sharing

Social sharing helps to optimize your SEO ranking instantly.
Social Network Sites have become well-developed than ever before.

Best SMO services in Delhi uses social sharing as it significantly contributes to customer’s buying power.

How Google’s Add Me On Search Work And What It Is?

Add Me On Search

Are you looking to create your presence on Google search? Then it’s time to pay close attention to this session, which will help you a lot in many ways. Google frequently introduces new features to its users that allow them to achieve the goal in a short period of time. No matter, whether it’s in delivering specialized services or being an influence, there is no other option to appearing on Google search results.

For this, you have to hire a professional and reliable SEO Company In India. There are wide ranges of choices available in the market. Among these, you have to opt for the best SEO company based on your needs and requirements at an affordable cost. Let’s take a look at in what way the Google adds me on search works and things to know about it before making a final decision.

Make yourself visible on Google search with Add Me On Search!

According to the recent study, many people will agree to utilize the pleasure of searching their own brand name on Google, but not everyone is familiar. However, Google is giving you the option of being able to direct the search results of your own name with the help of virtual visiting cards. Using this, users will have the ability to include various information, even connect their social media handles to the virtual visiting card.

In the digital age, we all know how Social Media Marketing Services are essential not only for presence but also useful in various ways. If you’re a business, professional, or anyone looking to build up your online presence, you might have a website and other particulars spread across many sites.

Do you know how Add Me On Search works?

The only thing is aimed at helping individuals, influencers, entrepreneurs, self-employed persons, or people out there who need to be discovered and assist the world find them. To get reliable information is provided; Google has created a variety of protections and controls to maintain the quality of details on people’s cards.

Also, safeguards include methods to protect against abusive and offensive content. One user can create only one person’s card, which will be authenticated with the user’s phone number. It will have control of the information to be included on the people’s card and can opt-out of the experience, which will end their details from appearing in search.

Attain the success for your brand with the help of Add Me On Search!

If you’re just started, you may not have a business website of an online presence. Don’t worry about it, and many SEO companies provide excellent service all depends on your desired goal. They are also solving the challenges with a new feature called people cards. Mostly like a virtual visiting card, where you can show up your website or social profiles, you want people to visit.

Creating this card is an easy way that is Add me to search into the Google search bar form your mobile device. Once you decided to approach them, always choose the Best Seo Company In India to avail the best result. Add me to the search trend continues to grow and become fundamental to any business and individuals. Make use of this feature today!


10 Important 2020 SEO Trends You Need to Know

10 Important 2020 SEO Trends You Need to Know

As there is an increase in the online competition and launching new websites, it is the time for every business to rethink about the change in the strategy of content marketing. So, you have to pay attention to investing in SEO. Every website needs to meet certain requirements which have been set by the search engines, and that is why people are in need of seo services IndiaIt is really easy for you to update the website if you know about the current SEO trends. It will help the customers finding your website in the search result.

Let’s explore the top 10 seo trends!       

  1. Consolidation of Search result page 

This is one of the best trends in which you have to pay great attention. You should know that snippets & answer boxes are often getting more clicks. All you need to give are answers to the most commonly asked questions on your site.

  1. Keyword research prominence 

The relevance of the keyword might get changes, but the search pattern is remaining the same. Using the proper keyword research will enhance your search engine ranking.

  1. Think of the influencers 

In content marketing, engagement metrics are playing a crucial role. The interaction level of the influencers having in their content will decide on this metric. So, if they have an enhanced engagement rate, it will offer huge credibility.

  1. The future – voice search 

About half of the smartphone users using voice search in the past year. So, while thinking about the best SEO trend, voice search will always the best way. So, you have to produce content that is answerable for the questions which have using the voice search.

  1. Entity popularity and engagement 

You should know that about 46 percent of the searches depends on the local searches. If you are running a local business, you should be aware of this SEO trend.

  1. Website security 

Secure websites are the things that are important for the user experience of any website. When the users do not feel safe while using your site, it is possible that they leave your site. So, make sure to enable the HTTPS protocol.

  1. Video content 

Just like voice searches, videos are also rising in the trend. Research result shows that six out of ten people tend to watch videos online when compared with television. So, you have to implement online videos for your business.

  1. High-quality content 

It is essential to create high-quality content to drive effective SEO strategies. Well researched, informative content, along with logical structure, will make people easily navigate your site.

  1. Best digital experience 

It is not at all a matter, how creative and good content you are offering, it is important to improve your page speed to offer excellent digital experience. Make use of seo services in Delhi to optimize your site.

  1. Artificial intelligence 

It is one of the new important technologies, and it is used for creating personalized and unique content for the consumers. So, make use of this tech.

Closing thoughts 

SEO is really crucial in this digital world. If you need today’s competitive, you have to consider hiring a top seo company in IndiaGain more traffic!!!

  • Published on
  • September 3, 2020
  • By
  • SeoServicesIndia

  • Categories:

Importance of Website Page loading speed

Importance of Website Page loading speed

Website Page loading speed is a Google ranking factor. If your website takes too much time to load, you will likely see a decrease in rankings. Google has been testing a new update that warns users about the speed of the site. If it usually takes a lot of time to load, Google will show it in the red color. If it loads quickly, users will see a green color with a message that the site loads faster. Even the best SEO companies in India will agree with me on this matter.

Here are some more reasons for Importance of Website Page loading speed

Site Speed Affects Bounce Rate

According to Google, as your Website Page loading speed time goes from one second to three-second, the bounce rate increases by 32%. If the time goes to five seconds, the probability of bounce increases by 90%. If it takes more than 10 seconds to load your website, the bounce rate will be as high as 123%.

This indicates that apart from search engines, users also hate slow loading websites. Another interesting study revealed that a one-second increase in the loading time decreases the conversion rate by 7%.

Site Speed is a Component of Page Experience Update

Google said it would be launching the Page Experience update in 2021. One of the core elements of the Page Experience update is the Website Page loading speed. To be precise, it focuses on the Largest Contentful Paint and First Input Delay.

Largest Contentful Paint refers to how much time it takes to load the largest element of your site. Google says it should be less than 2.5 seconds.

First Input Delay refers to the time when a user first interacts with your web page. Google says it should be less than 100 milliseconds.

If not, your website will see a decline in rankings as soon as Google launches the Page Experience update.


If you want your website to rank higher and provide your ideal customers with the best possible experiences, it is imperative to boost your Website Page loading speed. If you need help with it, contact the most affordable SEO company in India, i.e., SEO Services India.

SEO Services India is an all-in-one SEO company in India that can help you boost your website’s speed and ranking in search engines. With a specialized in-house SEO team, our experts are well-versed with search engine ranking techniques and its updates.

Voice Search Trends : How SEO And Digital Marketing Will Change

Voice Search

Voice Search is rising by leaps and bounds. There are smartphones on one hand, which control our lives, and laptops on the other end of the spectrum, which dominate our work-life culture.

Advancement in algorithms and programming has enabled voice searches with ease.

There’s no need to type out long queries anymore, a simple question to your mobile’s personal assistant will do the task just fine.

SEO or search engine optimization is the key feature of digital marketing. Keywords placed cleverly in web content make it more appealing for search engines and ultimately, gets the page more traffic.

Keyword marketing is, therefore, a calculative business with a lot of research required. However, voice searches bring a whole new game into the picture.

So, what does this imply for the future of Voice Search means?

Local searches:

voice searches are quickly replacing normal searches due to their speedy nature. This implies that people usually use it on the go, to search for places near them or to call for appointments.

This means, for SEO, keywords must include phrases like ‘near me’ or other semantics.

Increased complexity:

Search engines now come equipped with weapons for guessing context from long queries which dictates a change in keyword marketing.

The long tail queries have to include words such as ‘when’, ‘where’ and include keywords based on the contextual refinement of user searches.

Focus on specific keywords will be less as opposed to long-tail keywords and broad search terms. In other words, more natural words than the corporate tongue will be involved.

Increased audio-based interactions:

audio searches need to return more audio-specific results, which will configure the search engine results page away from a visual mode of interaction.

Searchers often won’t have time to read through long info-graphics or web pages. This means digital marketing has to shift to incorporate new result representation.

All these considerations when factored in will introduce heavy changes in content marketing and every local SEO agency has to step up their games.

Keeping pace with modern changes is not something any SEO services agency in India can do.

This is where we live up to expectations as the best SEO agency in Delhi, with our expert team of dedicated professionals who know how to market your content to keep you afloat in this heavy competition.


How Nofollow Links Will Now Affect Rankings?

seo services india

When you link to a website’s content, you vote for them as a quality post. Google then counts the number of links to determine the ranking of the site. However, if you wish not to vote the content, you can add a nofollow attribute in HTML.

A nofollow link is an HTML attribute that tells Google to ignore it while indexing the page. Nofollow was introduced to prevent blog comment spam.
However, after around 15 years, Google made tweaks in the nofollow attribute.

Google Now Treats Nofollow As A Hint

On September 10, 2019, Google announced:

“When nofollow was introduced, Google would not count any link marked this way as a signal to use within our search algorithms. This has now changed.
All the link attributes — sponsored, UGC, and nofollow — are treated as hints about which links to consider or exclude within Search.
We’ll use these hints — along with other signals — as a way to better understand how to appropriately analyze and use links within our systems.”

The update has created confusion in the SEO community about how to use this to boost rankings. Even a lot of SEO services agency India aren’t quite sure about the update. Fortunately, we are. And that’s what makes us the best SEO services in India.

Benefits of Nofollow Link

A lot of websites automatically place nofollow in all links on their site. This means they were taking unwanted advantage of multiple links irrespective of their credibility and authority. This created an unfair situation for publishers and marketers opting for legitimate SEO practices for boosting their rankings.

But now, after the update, Google will rank websites based on content quality. This allows Google to rank pages more accurately, while still providing relevant content to the searchers.

What impact will the Nofollow link will have now?

Websites who want to rank first on the search engines are already buying nofollow links. Since Google now considers nofollow as a hint, it can give a boost to the site linked to and even commercialize nofollow links.

However, the update will also encourage fairness and transparency in linking practices.

Final Thoughts

It is crucial to use links in your content. A good combination of nofollow and dofollow links will help you achieve maximum visibility on the internet and get the desired traffic too.

If you’re not sure how to leverage nofollow links, you can contact SEO Services India. Being the top SEO company in Delhi, we have a dedicated team to take care of your SEO.

Top 10 Video Marketing Strategies For 2019

video marketing, benefits of viseo marketing for business, seo services india, seo services in delhi

The world is stepping in an era of perceptions. What you see and hear, stays in the mind and what is out of sight; gets out of mind.

The online markets too have transcended into now becoming a kind of a ‘video zone’. There are videos for anything and everything.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. all the social media platforms that matter, support video marketing.

Here are the top 10 strategies that we think will rule this roost in the year 2019:


This is compulsory to reap the benefits of video marketing for business. You need to understand the viewers who are intended to see your video, understand their requirements, and effective viewing patterns. Your video should be based on this research.



Create an interesting story directly or indirectly related to your product or services. This ‘hooks’ up the viewer to your content until the end and is the most effective video marketing strategy. He or she may even end up ‘liking’ and ‘sharing’ the video if it touches them somehow.



Always remember that your video is intended to sell a brand name that further sells a product or a service. Thus, your videos should be positioned in a manner such that they create the intended spur, but around the brand involved.



As we marketers say, ‘Content is nothing, if not search engine optimized’. This stands true for the videos as well.

All videos need to be made easily search-able with appropriate tags, meta-tags as well as alternate text.

For this, you could choose to hire companies like Seo Services India we are the best seo company in india.

As an additional tip, the SEO keywords should also be included in the alternate text to further push your video content.



As stated above, all major media platforms fully support video content. Then again analyse the viewers based in separate platforms and push in video content suited to them. For example, ‘Instagram’ is the most sought platform for direct retail. Whereas, ‘Linked In’ is the platform for business-to-business profiles.

Video Marketing Strategy, Video Maekwting, Social Media Marketing Services In Delhi, Seo Services india



A video is incomplete, without the appropriate ‘ending’. Meaning, it should guide the viewer towards the next step to be taken in order to engage with the brand as well as the product or service involved. It could be clicking on a button, visiting a website, etc.



There are certain basics like company logo, base colours, fonts, etc. that define the online presence of a brand story. Your video content should also be made to stick to this brand story.



If your intended viewer is looking at your video content, make him come back for ‘more’. This shall help you create a loyal viewership and viewer base sharing your story on the various media.



Use the most neglected text space available at the bottom of the videos. You could use it to present a small, but effective introduction or your brand connection with the video.



As with other technical content, ensure your video is looking good and functioning as intended by the developer on various platforms.

Your videos are your salesperson in every screen. Make it count with the best SEO Company in India…

SEO Practices To Stay On Top Of Google 2019

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The future of business lies in digital marketing. New trends and the rise of e-commerce have turned offline marketing obsolete.

And of course, the stepping stone for digital marketing is SEO or search engine optimization.

SEO is the technique to include keywords into your web content in an efficient manner so that when a user searches for a particular keyword, the site related to it rises to the forefront of the search results.

This ensures guaranteed traffic to the website at the top. So, targeting Google is a smart choice as it is probably the most used search engine.

Latest SEO strategies are a little different from what they had been when digital marketing had first started, so following these little tips are bound to help one stay at the top form-

Optimize for voice trends:  

Google has fast Natural Learning Programming algorithms that mold according to unique searches made every day. Voice searches with personal assistants on mobiles are the latest trend, and NLP can improve search results based on content refinement and semantics.

SEO content has to be developed keeping in mind the conversational and long-tail queries in mind, with keyword lists updated.

Optimize for local searches:

Searches related to local terms have become very common. Most users search for short and immediate results of services and products near them, and SEO services that optimize content for keywords that include terms like ‘near me’ do better in search results.

PPC campaigns:

Instead of organic traffic, one can pay the search engines to sponsor their site and pay-per-click.

So, every time someone visits your page following sponsored links, you pay the search engine a fixed amount bid previously. This is a faster but more expensive way of obtaining more visitors.

AMP implementation:

Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP is a tool developed by Google to generate lightweight, mobile-friendly versions of web contents that load faster in smartphones

. Since most searches are made in phones now, it helps to target Google tools like AMP and optimizing for RankBrain (Google’s Machine Learning AI system).

Staying on top of one’s game on Google isn’t all that difficult,

it only needs the right hands and experience. As the best SEO Company in India, we have the best professionals and experts to optimize your content for you.



If your goal is to make your business grow, contact us right now.